Thursday, July 31, 2008

I keep thinking that I will get around to posting, but it never happens.  Taking care of four kids leaves less down time than before, but the babies are napping and the older two are watching a movie so I have a rare quiet moment.  Just one more week with the older two, then it will be back to just the babies.  I will have one week off, since all the kids will be traveling down to southern Utah with their mom while she goes down for an audit trip.  Hannah and I will go spend the week with my parents, and Jacob will join us for the weekend.  This summer has passed so quickly!  I have some pictures and videos to download, but I don't have the camera cable since it ended up in Jacob's computer bag.  If I remember to get it out tonight I will add the most recent pictures of Hannah.  

She is crawling and pulling herself up to the furniture, and getting in to all kinds of stuff.  She has been pretty mild about getting in to things until about the last week, when she really figured out the crawling thing and has just taken off.  I have been trying to avoid baby-proofing, but I can't wait any longer.  Just one more thing to do on my seemingly never-ending list.  Wish me luck!

1 comment:

Kristy said...

HAHAHA...good luck!! (baby proofing). It doesn't stop either. As they get bigger, the things you moved before, get moved again!! hahaha. Hannah is such a cutie. We need to get together one of these days!! We still need to go to lunch at Zupas. :0)